The prostate is a glandular organ of the male genitourinary system. It is the size and shape of a walnut and is located anterior to the rectum, being crossed by the urethra. Its fundamental function is the production of prostatic fluid, a fundamental component of semen, rich in nutrients for sperm.
What diseases can affect the prostate?
Like any other part of the organism, they can be multiple, but throughout his life, a man can be fundamentally affected by three: Infections: acute or chronic prostatitis, it is usually manifested by the sudden appearance of voiding symptoms (pain and stinging when urinating, increased voiding frequency) and fever.
Regular check-ups from the age of 50 are essential to prevent prostate diseases.
Prostate cancer is the second most frequent cancer among men, with almost 900,000 new cases a year in the world.

Testicular ultrasound is an imaging procedure to examine the testicles and other structures of the scrotum. This procedure is performed by moving the ultrasound transducer over the scrotum while viewing the ultrasound images. Testicular ultrasound is performed to help determine the cause of testicular enlargement or the reason for testicular pain.
The patient lies on his back with his legs apart. The doctor draws a cloth across the thighs below the scrotum or places wide strips of tape on the area. The scrotal sac is slightly raised with the testicles located on either side.
A gel is applied. The ultrasound machine then sends out high-frequency sound waves, which reflect areas of the scrotum to create an image.