Obstetric ultrasound

Obstetric ultrasound uses sound waves to produce the first images of a baby (embryo or fetus), as well as showing the mother’s uterus and ovaries. It does not use ionizing radiation, it does not have harmful effects, and it is the preferred method of monitoring pregnant women and their babies.

How many ultrasounds are there?

In a normal pregnancy, three ultrasounds are performed, but they must be done at the corresponding times of gestation. It is important that they take place in the correct weeks. Let’s see when and why the three follow-up ultrasounds are done in pregnancy.

Should be performed between weeks 11-13 and is used to view the location of the placenta, the number of fetuses, and the nuchal fold. The first ultrasound is also called date determination because you can know the gestational age. Gynecological professional organizations recommend that the first ultrasound should be performed starting at week 12 from the last period and a previous ultrasound (usually transvaginal) is of doubtful usefulness or convenience.

Is performed at week 18–20 to see organ formation and possible developmental abnormalities. Here the genitals are usually seen clearly and you want you can already know the sex of the baby.

Is done between weeks 33–34 to assess fetal growth or detect a late malformation. After this ultrasound, the monitors will be recommended to us when the expected due date approaches.



Basic Diagnostic

lorem imsup lorem imsup lorem imsup lorem imsup

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  • Praesent convallis nibh
  • Nullam ac sapien sit
  • Phasellus auctor augue
Basic Diagnostic

lorem imsup lorem imsup lorem imsup lorem imsup

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  • Praesent convallis nibh
  • Nullam ac sapien sit
  • Phasellus auctor augue
Basic Diagnostic

lorem imsup lorem imsup lorem imsup lorem imsup

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  • Praesent convallis nibh
  • Nullam ac sapien sit
  • Phasellus auctor augue

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